Saturday, October 26, 2019

Louis Beidleman

Now, unfortunately, I do not know the language Cyranime originally wrote her memoirs in. So, I had to ask my former professor and now my colleague to help produce this podcast, Dr. Louis Beidleman. Dr. Beidleman will be ashamed if I praise him so openly on the internet, but I still will. A classicist and the first ekhtherist, he is still and probably will be the leading expert in ekhtherics. What hasn't he done? He was the first to translate Cyranime's memoirs into English, the first to translate the constitution of Annomen, not to mention he was the person who decoded Ekhtherian A, B, and C. Miami University is lucky to have him as a member of their Classics Department. If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't be able to produce this podcast, much less actually understand Cyranime's words. Thanks, Dr. Beidleman!
Stephen Sitwell

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